Blessed to be a Blessing

May God bless you. May His face shine upon you. Pause and meditate on this.

What does God’s blessing look like in my life? Joy in trials? Peace in the storm? Provision in barrenness? Wholeness? Health? Lacking no good thing? Healthy relationships? Intimacy with God?

Use your imagination to envision every area of your life touched by the blessing of God. Then begin to prophesy what you see. Declare His blessing over area of your life.

What does God’s face shining upon you look like? Imagine a giant spotlight shining upon you everywhere you go. People are drawn to the God in you. You are a magnet for blessings. Unearned and undeserved good things come your way. Doors are flung wide as you approach.

Once again use your imagination to envision every area of your life – your ministry, your job, your family – marked by God’s favor. Then prophesy what you see. Speak favor over your life.

We are blessed to be a blessing. We are called to be a walking demonstration of God’s goodness. We are an animated billboard of God’s generosity. We are a live performance that declares His faithfulness. Our lives testify of the goodness of God. He blesses His children so that His ways are made known throughout the earth. As we walk in favor nations will come to a saving knowledge of Christ.

Pray this with me: Lord bless me and my family so that we can be a blessing. Give unto us more than we can ask think or imagine. Allow your face to shine upon us. Grant us favor with with everyone we encounter today. We are a magnet for your blessings today. Doors of Opportunity are flung wide for us. Father, let us make your way known in this earth. Let your salvation come to all nations as your goodness and faithfulness are evident in our lives. Amen

“God, be gracious to us, and bless us. May he make his face shine toward us, (Selah) so that your way may be known on earth, your salvation among all nations.”
‭‭Tehillim (Psa)‬ ‭67:2-3‬ ‭CJB‬‬

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