Digging Wells

The story of Isaac is resonating with me this morning.

Isaac was blessed by God. The Bible said he was abundantly blessed and grew richer and richer. The blessing of God was evident in his life. But this made people around him jealous of him.

The Philistines began to try to sabotage Isaac. They filled the wells Abraham had dug with dirt. Finally, the King asked him to leave.

If you are In Christ, you are powerful. You have the power and the authority to put a thousand demons to flight with a word. Your Father has blessed you with every spiritual blessing. You are a threat to the kingdom of darkness.

As the people of Gerar were threaten by Isaac, the enemy is threaten by what you carry. He will attempt to sabotage the calling God has on your life. He tries to stop the flow of the wells your Father has put inside of you with dirt. His dirt is sickness, obstacles, challenges, accusations, offense, intimidation. And yes, he sometimes uses insecure Christians.

But when asked to leave, Isaac just went to the surrounding area and kept doing what God called him to do. He kept building wells. Until space was made for Him and he experienced fruitfulness.

My friends, you have a calling on your life. You have a purpose. Don’t allow the dirt the enemy is throwing your way prevent you from writing that book, starting that business, walking in joy, starting a bible study, going on a mission’s trip. God has made space for you! Keep digging wells until you find your space.

“He moved from there and dug another, and they did not quarrel over it. He named it Rehoboth and said, “For now the Lord has made space for us, and we will be fruitful in the land.””
‭‭Genesis‬ ‭26:22‬ ‭CSB‬‬