Get Instructions First

Moses is renowned for his leadership skills. I think the key to Moses’ great leadership skills is found in this one statement. When presented with a problem, Moses’ response was:

“Wait here until I have received instructions for you from the LORD.”Numbers‬ ‭9:8‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Moses could not rely on traditions. They were starting a new nation. There were no traditions to follow.

He had no mentor. No one had led thousands of people out of slavery previously.

He had no bible, no Torah.

He had no experience. Yes, he had grown up in Pharoah’s house but he had learned to lead by oppressing others through force. He had no army. It was millions of them and one of him. Oppression was not going to work.

So Moses relied on, cling to, respected the voice of God. When presented with a problem, he didn’t meet with board members, he met with God. When a decision needed to be made, he didn’t run to a mentor, he ran to God. He lead through a personal, vibrant, conversational relationship with God.

I believe that is how we are to lead today. Unlike Moses we have a bible. The word of God is powerful in our lives. It is our trainer’s manual and should be held in high esteem by every Christian. But it was not written to replace the voice of God in our lives. It was written to give that voice context.

We need mentors in our lives. Moses had a Jethro, a black man by the way. The bible tells us there is safety in a multitude of counselors. But again the voice of God cannot be replaced by man, no matter how wise those men and women may be.

I encourage you, the next time a problem presents itself, before running to a friend, before considering what was done in the past, before reacting, or before even opening your bible, respond like this:

“Wait here until I have received instructions for you from the LORD.”

And then hear His voice on the matter. He will not disappoint. God wants to have a personal, vibrant, conversational relationship with you.

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