God is Good!

God is good. We say that so much it can become ‘religious talk’, or a cliche. But “God is good” is a simple yet profound truth. It is a foundational belief in our Christian walk.

When we go through difficult times, the enemy is there to get us to question God’s goodness. John tells us that Jesus loved Lazarus and his sisters. Yet when tragedy struck, Martha questioned Jesus’ goodness – “If you had been here my brother would not have died.” We utter or think similar words, “God if you are good why did I lose my job? Why was the diagnosis cancer? Why has my child walked away?” If God is truly good, why?

Good times does not exempt us from questioning God’s goodness either. Eve had everything she needed in the garden. Yet the enemy convinced her God was withholding. “If you eat the fruit, you will be like God.” For us his voice says, “If God is truly good you could preach like Steve Furtick, teach like Beth Moore, evangelize like Billy Graham. If God were truly good, you would have a house like your neighbor, take better vacations, and get a newer car.”

When these thoughts arrive, either during difficult times or good times, we must stand firm and declare, “God is good AND He is good to me. Despite what I see, despite my bank account, despite what the doctor says, despite what my neighbors have, GOD IS GOOD!” 

We must evaluate everything through the lenses that declare: “God is good and He wants good things for my life.” We must minister to others based on the truth that God is good. We must believe for the impossible based on the knowledge that God is good. 

Friends, it is not just religious talk. It’s not a cliche. It is an indisputable, foundational, change the way you look at life truth – God is good and He desires to give good gifts to His children. Will you believe today? Will you declare it today? When trials come, when the storm rages, will you stand firm in the midst of it and say: “Silence storm, my God is good?

“For you are great and do marvelous deeds; you alone are God.

For great is your love toward me; you have delivered me from the depths, from the realm of the dead.

But you, Lord, are a compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness.”

Psalm 86:10, 13, 15 NIV

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