“I Am” is in the Boat

Jesus was going to walk right by them. They were struggling against the winds. The storm was raging. They were in distress, Jesus saw their struggle, yet He intended to walk past them.

The disciples were so involved in their struggles, they were so focused on their pain, on the raging storm, they didn’t recognize Jesus, their friend and teacher as He walked by.

So the two met – the problem and the Solution; the storm and the Peace. The two met when the disciples took their eyes off of the storm and looked toward the Peace. The problem ended when the Solution was invited into the boat.

In all of our lives storms will rage, diagnosis are given, disappointment visits, fear tries to take up residence in our hearts. But we can choose to focus on the storms, we can strain to row against the wind, or we can invite Jesus into our boat. We can remember that we are alive together (conjoined) with Christ and speak peace to our storms.

Don’t fear my brothers and sisters. I Am is here!

“Don’t yield to fear. Have courage. It’s really me—I Am!”
‭‭Mark‬ ‭6:49-50‬ ‭TPT‬“

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