
As a Christian, you are called to be a leader. Now, you don’t need a title to be a leader. As a matter of fact, most of the leading you will do, will be without a title.

The woman with the blood disease, led people to pursue healing by touching his garment.

The woman at the well led people in her village to Christ.

Abigail led David away from sinning.

Rahab led the spies to safety.

Miriam led the women in worship.

Martha led her household.

Mary Magdalene, Mary, Joanna led the disciples to the discovery of the resurrection.

None of these women had a position. They didn’t have a title. But their leadership left a legacy; changed nations, impacted their society.

You are a leader.

Now the question becomes: Where are you leading people to?

As we navigate through this election season, are we leading people to fear and division or love and unity? Are we pointing people to a political party to solve their issues or to Jesus, the ultimate problem-solver?

As we navigate through this unprecedented season of Corona virus, are we leading people to finger-point and blame or are we leading people to cooperate and share. Are we leading people to fear or hope?

During this economic uncertainty, are we leading people to hoard or to be generous?

We lead by example.

I’m reminded this morning of Charles Dickens’ famous words: It was the best of times. It was the worse of times.

For this generation of Americans, Americans who have not seen war on our land or a world war, this maybe considered the worse of times. But it could also be the best of times, a time when Christians can reveal the glory of God by leading with love, generosity, joy, hope and a demonstration of His power.

You are a leader, my friend! . So let us lead our communities, our families, our friends through these difficult times. You don’t need a title. You don’t need a position. Allow Christ to lead you and others will naturally follow.

“But thanks be to God, who always leads us in Christ’s triumphal procession and through us spreads the aroma of the knowledge of him in every place.”
‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭2:14‬ ‭CSB‬‬

#itiswritten, #womenhistorymonth #leadership

PS: Join me tomorrow night on Facebook Live as we explore how to lead well during this season.