Living Victoriously in the 21st Century

The letters of Paul, while containing deep theological truths, also contain practical advice for living in 21st century America.

We may think the world is more corrupt than previous generations. It is not. Evil is evil. It may dress itself up differently, but it’s the same foe we have been contending with since the Garden of Eden.

The Good news is that he is now a defeated foe because of the complete work of Christ. The same resurrection power that dwelt in Peter, Paul, and John dwells in us. We have been empowered to live a victorious life.

Philippians 4 contains very practical advice to live abundantly in this century. And because Jesus lives within us, we can do this!

1. Get along with your brothers and sisters in Christ. Agree in the Lord.

2. Rejoice. And then rejoice again. Walk in the joy of your salvation, the joy of your forgiveness, the joy of your union with Him.

3. Be gracious to everyone.

4. Rest in knowing He is near.

5. Pray don’t worry and Anticipate His peace will overtake you.

6. Meditate on biblical truth, love, and good things not what ifs.

7. Follow Paul’s example.

8. Be content.

9. Trust you can do all things through Christ who gives you strength.

10. Be Generous, convinced God will provide all you need.

Paul’s instructions to the church that met at Philippi is still relevant to the church that meets in America. We are not facing anything more difficult than the early church did. You have been empowered to do this!