Child-Like Awe

​ I love it all!  I love everything about this miraculous, melodic, much-anticipated season of the year.  I love the cards that arrive daily flooding my mailbox with heartfelt greetings from friends and family from lon g ago and far away. ​I love the calorie-laden goodies and the family recipes that have been passed down from generation to generation. I love knowing that when I make the fresh cranberry jello...

This is A Christmas of Hope

Christmas is all about your focus.  If you focus on the temporary aspects of this season – you will certainly be filled with happiness but you may never experience the true and lasting joy that Christmas was always meant to bring. ​If you are entertaining visions of sugarplums, fruitcake, a tree laden with gifts and a snowman that dances – you are focusing on all of the wrong things.  However,...