WHO ARE YOU? Another shooting. Another political scandal. Another fallen religious leader. What can I do? I’m just a girl. I’m just a teacher. I’m just a mom. Let me stay in my lane. But then I hear a whisper. “You are not just…” You are a praying girl. You are a faith-filled girl. You are a daughter of the King. You have been giving authority to subdue darkness, take...

Just Do It!

Way before it was a Nike slogan, Paul encouraged his readers in Romans 12 to”Just Do It!” Today, I think most church people feel as if their gift isn’t “significant” unless it is used and sanctioned by the church. So we wait for permission to use our gifts. We wait to be asked to serve on a team or lead a ministry. But the gifts God has given you were...

Faithful to the Call or the Position?

Yesterday, we read the story of Jephthah. He was rejected by his brothers because of his mother’s transgression, He was denied his inheritance and exiled from his land. But nonetheless Jephthah prospered in his new land. Now, the rest of the story…. Jephthah did not allow his brother’s rejection to alter the call on his life. He was a man of valor regardless if it were at home or in...