Meditate on His Love

Let me tell you a teacher secret, “Students, especially students who struggle, are more likely to perform well for you, if they like you.” I asked a student who was a top performer for me, why hadn’t he done well in his previous math classes and he shrugged and said, “I don’t know, I guess I like you.” Herein lies a spiritual truth. The more we meditate on God’s love...

The Most Excellent Way

I was talking to someone the other day, and they mention someone was very religious but very cruel. And I thought, that was not uncommon. Religious people tend to be rigid, caring more about rules than people. The Pharisees cared more about upholding the law than setting people free. They were outraged when someone was healed on the Sabbath. How cruel is that? Paul, a former Pharisee, warned us as...


You are loved. Unconditionally. You don’t deserve nor did you earn it. God loved you (and still loves) while you were far from Him. When you didn’t want anything to do with Him. He loved you when you were smoking pot, or sniffing coke. He loved you through the divorce even if the divorce was initiated by you. You don’t have to work for or earn His love. He loves...

No Loopholes

Yesterday, my good, like minded friend and I met to catch up on each other lives. As with most of our conversations, we eventually began discussing current events. Both of us were disappointed and somewhat astonished by recent events. So we began to look for a loop hole in this whole, “Love everybody” thing. Because surely God anticipated Facebook and social media and therefore gave us provision for that. We...

As He Has

God has been good to you. He has given generously towards you giving you more than you can ask, think, or imagine. He has been merciful beyond measure towards you. He has forgiven you freely. He has loved you patiently. He loved you in your moments when you were unlovable by most. He loved you while you were a sinner. We meditate on these truths. We rejoice in these truths....


We are His. Not because of what we did but because of what He did. Not because of who we are but because of who He is. Not because we were righteous but because He is holy. Not because we were good, or perfect, or earned His approval. We are His because He loved us first. Because He is good. Because He is perfect. Because He has chosen to set...