Go Be Awesome Today

This past weekend was full of celebrations. I celebrated a dear friend’s life. I celebrated the release of my new book. I celebrated a new beginning for dear friends. As I reflect on this weekend, I realize life is filled with Laughter and tears. New beginnings and Seasons ends. Joys and sorrows. Celebrations and mournings. Life and death. Highs and lows. Dreams fulfilled and disappointments. In this life, change is...

The Missing Piece of the Puzzle

Solomon asked for wisdom and knowledge. God granted his request. Solomon became the wisest, riches man in the earth. His wisdom was renowned and Israel was at peace during his reign. Yet with all the Lord had given Him, Solomon was lead stray because he loved foreign women. At the end of his life, Solomon had over 800 wives and concubines. These women led his heart away from the one...


The earth was void. Formless. Dark. Chaotic. The Holy Spirit hovered over it. His presence surrounded it. His presence overshadowed the darkness. And then He, Creator God spoke. The void become something. The formless took shape. Dark became light. Chaos became order. He said, “Let there be” and there was. Fast forward thousands of years. The earth is once again dark. But this time God goes to a young woman....