This I Call to Mind

“Great is your faithfulness. Your mercies are new every morning.” These amazing words of hope and assurance were literally penned in the middle of one of Israel’s most devastating seasons. Jeremiah, the prophet wrote these words as he was lamenting. Jeremiah said when he thought about his problems, his affliction, his lack he became depressed and hopeless. He felt as if his future was gone (Lamenatations 3:18&19). But when he...

It’s a New Day!

Today begins a new semester. New students. New lessons. One of the things I like about teaching is that you can start over again every 18 weeks. You get to learn from past mistakes, rejoice in your past successes but start over again, move forward. The kingdom of God is like that as well. Everyday, you can choose to start again. You get to learn from yesterday’s mistakes and move...