The Challenge – Final Words

Dear Friend in Christ,
I pray that this journey through our identity in Christ has strengthened you, encouraged you, but most importantly, helped set you free to be the man or woman that God has called you to be. I encourage you to continue meditating on the scripture. Continue making the scripture a daily part of your lives. Continue to personalize the scripture and see your story in His Story. Continue to see yourself as Christ sees you.

Remember who you are in Christ. You are the righteousness of God. You are a son or daughter blessed with spiritual gifts. You have an inheritance in heaven and on earth. You are seated in Christ in heavenly places. You are accepted, graced with favor, and loved by the Almighty God. You are His beautiful masterpiece, His poem, created for His pleasure. You are a person of strength who can do all things through Christ who gives your strength. You are saved. In essence, my friend, you are mighty in the Lord and a force to be reckoned with. You are triumphantly free! Walk in the confidence of who you are in HIM!

Closing Prayer:
Lord, I thank you for the Word of God I have heard and meditated on over the last 10 weeks. Lord, I declare that this seed that has been sown has fallen on fertile and good ground. Lord, I ask that this word would take root and prosper. Let the word be fruitful in my heart. Lord, I thank you that this word would bear fruit and produce a hundredfold! Lord, I ask that you send your angels to protect this word in my heart. I forbid the enemy from trying to snatch it away. I stand against the enemy, the cares of this world, persecution, tribulation, and the deceitfulness of riches. Nothing, Lord, no spirit in hell or on earth, shall prevent this word from prospering in my heart. I declare today the words spoken over the last 10 weeks will produce fruit and a one hundred fold harvest. (Based on Matthew 13:18 – 23)

Thank you for sharing this Challenge with me.

Triumphantly Free,

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